DaneMen teaches you Japanese 3 Smoking in Japan

Kanji Hiragana Katakana all mixed script

















English translation

Hello everyone! This is Dane Men.

Walking smoking is an annoying behavior.

Smoking on the street is called ろじょうきつえん.

In Japan, each municipality has its own ordinance regarding smoking on the street.

The flame of a cigarette is nearly 1000 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, it is very dangerous if the flame of a cigarette hits a child walking on the street.

Today, I am working part-time for a campaign to ban smoking on the streets.

I’m standing there with a placard.

But no one is paying attention to me.

In Japan, the price of a pack of cigarettes is around 550 yen.

The most expensive country is Australia, where the price is about 3,000 yen per pack.

If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day in Australia, it will cost you 90,000 yen a month. That’s an outrageous expense.

Ah! Time to go! Let’s take a break.

I hope you enjoyed it. Here are the links to Dane Men’s Twitter and WebToon.

You can find the English translation and Japanese grammar explanation in the details section.

I’ll see you soon. Good-bye.

Japanese grammar


There is no Be verb in Japanese. Following English is exact order in Japanese.

わたしは ゆうめいな 画家(がか)です。 I famous painter be
かれは  そうめいな 人(ひと)です。 He smart person be
かのじょは きれいな 女性(じょせい)です。She beautiful woman be

※です=is am are でした=was were

The Smoking Situation in Japan

There is no stopping the “shift away from paper cigarettes" in Japan.

As the headwind intensifies year after year, the number of employees at Japan Tobacco (JT), which is responsible for the domestic tobacco business, has halved in the last 20 years due to multiple rounds of restructuring. In addition, in February 2021, the company announced a plan to reduce its domestic workforce by 3,000 people, including part-time workers.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey, among smokers in their 50s, about 60% of both men and women said they smoked between 11 and 20 cigarettes a day.

Since most cigarettes come in packs of 20, this suggests that many people are trying to limit themselves to one pack or less per day. More than 30% of women answered “10 cigarettes or less," while only about 20% of men answered “10 cigarettes or less.

In Japan, the law regarding smoking has changed, and from April 1, 2020, smoking will be prohibited in restaurants in principle.

If smoking is to be allowed in restaurants, it will be necessary to set up a dedicated smoking room, and restrictions on passive smoking will be tightened.

It shows that cigarettes are cheaper in Japan than in other developed countries such as the G7.

In Japan, cigarettes will cost around 550 yen per pack as of 2021, and it is expected that the shift away from cigarettes will continue to accelerate.

DaneMen Japanese

Posted by kou